Oh it’s always such a happy occasion to see the UPS truck pull up outside. And today was no exception. Today he delivered to me the long awaited BullAnt Drive Mechanism I ordered from Hollywood Foundry Railway Products. You know what that means... Time to rip open the Birney box!
Hollywood Foundry (of Australia of all places) builds these finely crafted mechanisms built to perform and last. So I had them build one for my Ken Kidder Birney.
I say that I “had it built” because you can order you mechanism built to your specifications.
The specifications I used for the Birney car drive mechanism are: 28mm wheelbase, 26” wheels, Mashima 1024 motor, a 31:1 gearbox reduction ratio, and wired for common wheels and trolley pole reversing.
Time to build up the momentum on this project again and get it moving full steam ahead. Yessir! Full steam ahead!

Flippin Sweet Man! 'Bout time you got back to work on that project...always with the excuses. "I was waiting for my 'Drive Mechanism.'" Blah! Blah Blah! Have fun!