Just How Many Cars Are Required To Populate This Layout Anyway?
Considering the time and expense that goes into completing just one single car, I would like to focus on building a basic fleet.
Suydam Niles, Pacific Traction 400, WP PCC, 3rd Ave Car, Ken Kidder Birney
The Maths:
The layout is designed for automated operation. Given that there are 4 city blocks each divided into 8 detection blocks, this makes for a total 32 detection blocks (the main intersection is the 33rd block and is undetected- once a car is cleared to enter the intersection it does not stop.).
I estimate that for maximum traffic and yet smooth operation* only half the 32 blocks should be occupied by a car. That way generally each car has an empty block ahead of it.
So a car on every other detected block makes for 16 cars.
The Answer:
16 cars: motored, poled, painted, decaled, decodered, and detailed, to make for a maximum traffic operating session (though it might be fun to add that 17th car to see what happens with congestion ;) ).
Yes Sir! It might be fun!
* Theoretically, the layout could "run" a maximum of 31 cars, but only one car would be moving at any given time. Basically it would be moving that one empty block around the layout.
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